Welcome to the Zia SeaPort-e Portal

Here you will find information and contacts for Zia’s prime contract with the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) supporting Navy and other federal government customers nationwide.

Zia Engineering and Environmental Consultants, LLC., is a rapidly growing, dynamic Small Business Minority Owned company with a diversified professional workforce of engineers, environmental scientists, and technicians. We have offices across the nation and a long list of satisfied customers including private industry and government organizations at the federal, state, and local level. Zia provides expertise in a wide range of engineering and environmental disciplines. Let us show you how our SeaPort-e vehicle can help you to achieve your goals and objectives in supporting Navy and other federal government customers.

Zia’s SeaPort-e prime contract N00178-15-D-8503 covers all SeaPort-e zones and all functional support areas. Please contact the appropriate Zia point of contact for further information on specific areas of interest. For general information on SeaPort-e please visit the Navy SeaPort-e home portal at http://www.seaport.navy.mil


Zia Engineering

Zia Engineering & Environmental Consultants, LLC., provides cost-effective, responsive, technical engineering and environmental consulting services to government agencies at the federal, state, and local levels as well as commercial industry; Native American tribes and pueblos; and other engineering and environmental services firms throughout both the southwestern United States and at other locations nationwide.

Headquartered in Las Cruces, New Mexico, Zia is a privately held corporation and is a minority-owned small disadvantaged business enterprise.

The Zia SeaPort-e team provides a complete range of services covering all SeaPort-e zones and all performance support areas.

Tetra Tech, Inc.

Tetra Tech, Inc. – Tetra Tech is a full service, multidisciplinary consulting Architectural/ Engineering (A/E) firm with strong capabilities and proven performance in providing planning, engineering design, inspection/surveillance, and system safety engineering and management services support to a wide range of clients both domestically and overseas. Tetra Tech offers the depth of resources and qualifications expected of a large consulting firm, with professional staff with specialized experience and expertise to meet the needs of the Navy. Tetra Tech has a more than 40-year history of providing A/E, system safety engineering and management services, as well as over 20 years providing these services to the U.S. Navy. Tetra Tech professionals, safety engineers and occupational health professionals have relevant experience from working at hundreds of U.S. DOD facilities, including over 100 Naval facilities throughout the United States and overseas.

Tetra tech brings extensive Navy program and Navy facility support experience to the team together with a broad technical “reach back” capability across multiple SeaPort-e functional areas and nationwide Zone presence in all 7 SeaPort-e Zones.


SC&E – A woman Owned Small Business 8(m), specializing in, Operations Security, Communications and Environmental impacts for both commercial and government clients. SC&E provides world renowned subject matter experts in such fields as; Risk Communication, Congressional and Media Relations, Emergency Response, Law Enforcement, Military, Aero-Space, Nuclear, and Environmental Engineering, Risk Analysis, Bio-Safety medicine, and Mycology.

SC&E staff members currently provide or have provided services to customers including: the U.S. Navy, the Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Port Authorities and Port Commission Inland Rivers Ports and Terminals, and various government programs in the war on terrorism, detecting and deterring the use of biological agents as bioterrorist pathogens, This capability provides NAVSEA with unique force protection expertise.

ECW – ECW Environmental Group, LLC (ECW) is a small business specializing in environmental engineering and technical recruitment and staffing. ECW is headquartered and located in Norfolk, Virginia immediately adjacent to major U.S. Navy facilities in Zones 2 and 3.

ECWsp technical expertise includes all environmental engineering aspects of sustainability “planning and doing” to support the Navy base related infrastructure requirements of SeaPort-e and attainment of Navy environmental policy goals. These include:
•          LEED/green buildings
•          Renewable energy alternatives life cycle analysis
•          Sustainability planning and management
•          ISO 14001 environmental management systems;
•          NEPA/environmental impact analysis, planning, mitigation/monitoring, and documentation
•          Environmental site assessments and sustainability baseline surveys

Supporting ecological and engineering field surveys and data collection overall the Zia Team provides the NAVSEA Warfare Centers and Virtual SYSCON members with access to superior technical capability in fifteen (15) of the twenty-two (22) SeaPort-e functional service areas and active presence and experience in all of the 7 Zones.


Click on the map to view related experience:

Quality Assurance

Zia has an established formal Quality Management System (QMS) at the corporate level as well as contract specific QMS programs and procedures.

These procedures were developed and meet the quality assurance requirements for Zia’s other large federal contracts and commercial clients whose technical work and quality assurance requirements are comparable to SeaPort-e (Zia prime contract numbers : W9124-A-14-D-0010, W9124-Q-13-D-0004 and FA2521-12-D-0005 (Joint Venture).

Our QMS is developed around conformance to ISO 9001 principles, processes, and requirements . Zia is currently in the process of pursuing ISO 9001 registration and has ISO 9001certified auditor(s) on our staff.

In addition, Zia is formally enrolled in the Quality New Mexico program in pursuit of our ISO compliance. Zia has also assisted BPB Industries (Z00-006), a large commercial manufacturing company, to develop their compliance programs around ISO 9001 compliance standards and requirements.

Zia’s Quality Management System is based on the principle of delivering professional services that completely meet the objectives established by our clients. To achieve this, our process incorporates the following approach:

  • Identifying the work flows and how they are carried out by each group within our organization and within any subcontractor’s organization.
  • Describing the order in which work is carried out and how each task interacts with other work.
  • Dividing the overall scope of work into discrete defined tasks and pathways to clearly define how the work is to be accomplished.
  • Providing the staff with the equipment, training and tools necessary to accomplish each task.
  • Assigning task leaders to manage, monitor, and measure each task against the predefined workflow to insure that the work is proceeding as planned, on schedule, and within budget.
  • Identifying potential problem areas and making appropriate changes quickly to achieve the objectives of the project.
  • Documenting non conformances and correcting deliverable processes to preclude recurrence .

Approval Authority

Zia’s QMS incorporates a formal approval process before any product is delivered to our clients. The policy includes requirements that:

  • All documents or other deliverables be formally approved by a designated approval authority before delivery to the client
  • Documents or other deliverables requiring revision or correction are re-reviewed, revised, and re-approved as required.

The Principal-In-Charge

Each of Zia’s client tasks has a principal of the firm who serves as Principal-in-Charge of the project. The Principal-in-Charge is typically a registered professional engineer (PE) with a minimum 20 years of professional experience. The Principal-in-Charge is the reviewing authority and is responsible for reviewing all deliverables and insuring that they meet the client’s objectives and minimize client risk before approving them for release.
Team Quality Management

Zia requires the same standard of quality management for work performed by its SeaPort-e team members and requires that they have in place equivalent procedures for performing work for Zia and its clients.

Additionally, Zia’s team mate, DDL OMNI, has an established ISO 9001:2000 Registered Quality Management System (QMS) which has been approved by NAVSEA 04XQ and meets the requirements of NAVSEA TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 9090-310c and NAVSEA STANDARD ITEM 009-04/01 April 1999.

Task Orders


Technical Instructions

There are no current technical instructions


For further information and to learn how you can work with us on SeaPort-e please contact one of the following:

Administration and information:

Mr. Robert Romero
Ferderal Contract Manager
Zia Engineering & Environmental Consultants LLC.
755 S. Telshor Blvd., Suite Q-201
Las Cruces, New Mexico 88011
(v) 575-532-1526
(t ) 866-532-1588
(f ) 575-532-1587
Email: rromero@ziaeec.com

Overall customer satisfaction:

Mr. Edward H. Martinez President & CEO
Zia Engineering & Environmental Consultants LLC.
755 S. Telshor Blvd., Suite Q-201
Las Cruces, New Mexico 88011
(v) 575-532-1526
(t ) 866-532-1588
(f ) 575-532-1587
Email: ehmartinez@ziaeec.com

Business, Customer, & Zone coordination

Mr. William R, Dailey
SeaPort-e Coordinator
(v) (912) 638-1520
(f) (912) 638-1588
Email: wrdailey@ziaeec.com